Leadership & Campus Directors

Each Discovery of Learning program is directed by a team of leaders who are responsible for creating an environment where children, parents, and staff all feel welcome and accepted. They strive to recognize the unique learning abilities and personality styles of each student and develop effective teaching methods that best suit each student. These teams also plan community-building events, such as family fun activities, meet and greets, and parent support meetings.


Campus Directors

Each of our Discovery of Learning campuses is served by these dedicated and highly qualified directors. They manage the daily operations and ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. They work together with teaching staff to develop personalized educational programs to ensure students receive meaningful experiences and the best education possible.

Indio Program Director

Yorba Linda Program Director

Hayden Program Director

Our Teaching Staff

Our Discovery of Learning teachers work closely with each student, and together they create a learning experience based on the student’s unique interests and abilities. We recognize that family is an important part of each student’s educational journey so our teachers provide support for the family as well.

All of our teachers are knowledgeable in a wide variety of subjects and teaching methods that help keep students engaged in the learning process. They each bring a passion for teaching along with a true spirit of inspiration to our programs.


We are often asked, “Are all DOL teachers credentialed”?

At every Discovery of Learning Enrichment Center, all of our teachers are thoroughly trained through the DOL Teacher Certification Program.

  • Many of our teachers come from different backgrounds and are at different places in their educational career paths.
  • We have many who are credentialed and seek an alternative to traditional classroom education. Many have homeschooled their own children that inspired their educational career paths.
  • Some of our teachers are currently pursuing their AA and Master’s degrees in education, child development, psychology, and more.
  • And some of our part-time teachers also serve their community as licensed therapists, educational coaches, college teachers, historians, authors, and artists!

We hire teachers with a passion for education, an openness to alternative educational practices and family choice, and exceptional backgrounds working with students and their families. Our hiring of teachers is an involved and lengthy s process that we take seriously. We do not simply look to fill a position, rather we look for teachers who precisely align with our philosophy of teaching. Each of our teachers will undergo extensive training to ensure they understand the “DOL way“, and to foster a caring and nurturing continuity with all campuses and classrooms.